Why you need a Virtual Assistant

The answer to this questions is very simple when you really think about it. You just have to ask yourself one important question, what is my time worth? Virtual Assistants, also known as a VA, make your life easier by delegating tasks that you don’t need to be doing. It can be something as simple as data entry or making phone calls to get updates. The reality is, as inexpensive as a virtual assistant is, I have not had anyone convince me that the cost is not justifiable.

Time is money. We all know that simple saying and we talk about all the time in the business world, and everyone should really start thinking about how to save time, not money. We can always cut costs, but the result of that will usually affect your workflow and productivity, which in turn would suck up more of your time. We are always going to circle back to the question of what is your time worth? So consider a Virtual Assistant an investment to growing your company. You are buying a lot of your valuable time back with adding a Virtual Assistant. If you think of it in that way, I am almost certain that most of you think your time is worth at least $50 per hour, the reality is that a VA can cost anywhere on average from $3-$12 per hour. Even if you take the $12 per hour number, that means you are saving $38 per hour for every hour that frees up your time to use more wisely.

What can you do with your extra time? Make sales calls to grow your business. Have more client meetings to build stronger relationships. Whatever the need is, the availability of your valuable time will be dictated on how you structure your staffing, and the more you plan, the more you can grow.

We have clients taking taking advantage of this every day, because the reality is, it makes perfect sense. I challenging you to convince us otherwise, but I think that would be a waste of time, so get a VA and start helping yourself.

We are always here to help if you need it, just reach out and start your new adventure today!

Zach Freeman | Placement Specialist

o: 877-323-5150 c: 310-507-4801

Check us out at mambavp.com


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